Voluntary Control Council for Interference

Emissions control in Japan is performed on a voluntary basis, under the supervision of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The VCCI was formed in December 1985 by four Japanese industry associations in response to a government request that electronics manufacturers participate in the control of electromagnetic interference. The Japanese Telecommunications Technology Council presented the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications with standards based on the internationally recognized CISPR 22 recommendations, and industry responded by organizing the VCCA.

The VCCI compliance program is voluntary in the sense that participation is not legally mandatory. It is widely supported by major Japanese companies, and the meeting of its criteria is evidenced by the application of the VCCI compliance label. The VCCI label is increasingly perceived as an indication of product quality. Though compliance is in theory voluntary, marketing pressures encourage it in practice.

Equipment must meet the VCCI technical requirements, with testing being performed at laboratories registered with the VCCI. After being informed of the equipment’s compliance via a technical report, the VCCI will issue a certificate of compliance. Compliant equipment then is marked with the VCCI label and manufacturers are responsible for the appearance of specific information in their product’s user manual.

Only members of the Voluntary Control Council for Interference can perform the testing and only members can label equipment as VCCI compliance. Membership is open to all interested parties. Members pay an initiation fee and an annual membership fee.

The VCCI does conduct a sampling program of VCCI listed equipment. The manufacturer covers the expense of the sampling-testing program. The equipment is tested at any of the VCCI listed laboratories. The equipment is considered compliant if the conducted emissions are 2 dB or more below the applicable limits and radiated measurements are 3 dB or more below the limits. When samples produce emissions higher than these limits (but remain compliant) the VCCI will request improved quality assurance documentation. Such actions may include mandatory equipment modifications or the revocation of the conformity certificate. The manufacturer is required to comply with the final VCCI decision.

The radiated and conducted emissions limits established by the VCCI are identical to those of CISPR 32.