Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity

FCC Part 15

Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity

The Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) is a procedure (and exibit) that requires the party responsible for compliance to ensure that the equipment complies with the appropriate technical standards. The responsible party, who MUST be located in the United States, is not required to file an equipment authorization application with the FCC. The responsible party, or any other party that markets the equipment must provide test reports and other information to demonstrate compliance with the rules upon request by the FCC. Use of the FCC logo on SDoC authorized products is voluntary. The responsible party must compile and retain all pertinent records to show compliance with the FCC rules. The test report showing compliance must be signed by the responsible party. Products authorized using the SDoC procedure must include a compliance information statement in the product user manual, or as a separate sheet with the device. If the manual is only provided digitally, the statement must be included in the digital form of the manual. 1

Materials Required for Suppliers Declaration of Conformity

  1. Equipment: One (1) set of the equipment to be tested. The inter-connecting cable(s), cord(s), power supplies and software must be included.
  2. Manufacturer company name and address; name and title of responsible individual.
  3. Responsible Party name and address; name and title of responsible individual.
  4. Operating and equipment description information.
  5. Model number(s) of the equipment to be verified.

After the satisfactory completion of the required tests, CTS will organize the test data and filing materials into a complete Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity report. The report will be delivered electronically to the client to be retained in their records.

The client is responsible for meeting labeling and manual requirements. The client must retain a copy of the report and make it available to the FCC upon request.

To begin the SDoC process or to request information about FCC testing and procedures, please contact us.