Regulatory Compliance Testing

Due to continued global economic growth, several product regulatory compliance requirements and standards have been imposed on manufacturers. The primary areas where product regulatory compliance requirements are applied are Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Product Safety. Regulatory compliance requirements including EMC testing and product safety have a direct impact on product development including a product’s quality and reliability.

CTS is an accredited test laboratory that conducts certification and testing for electronic devices to Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Industry Canada (IC), Conformité Européene (CE), and UL standards. We offer various test services including Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), including 5GHz Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) testing; Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC); and Safety testing

Contact us for more information regarding our regulatory compliance testing options and we will gladly assist you with your regulatory testing compliance requirements. CTS is your trusted source for advanced DFS, EMC, and product safety testing.

EMC Testing

Almost all countries in the world will have some level of EMC requirements. Many countries around the world have harmonized their EMC standards. It is essential to keep EMC considerations in mind when developing a product for market. It’s also important to test against the appropriate EMC standards early in the development cycle to minimize any last-minute design changes that can delay your time to market.

Federal Communications Commissions (FCC)

In the United States the Federal Communication Commissions (FCC) governs the regulatory compliance for EMC. FCC Part 15 of the Rules covers the requirements for unintentional (incidental) radiators as well as low powered un-licensed transmitters. Some common low powered un-licensed transmitters include:

  • Mobile Phones
  • Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth
  • Zigbee
  • ZWave

More information about FCC Part 15 can be found here

Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED)

In Canada the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) also known as Industry Canada (IC) is the certification body for all intentional and unintentional (incidental) radiators. ISED also covers the technical specifications, administrative requirements and other conditions relating to the marketing of intentional and unintentional radiators. 

More information about Industry Canada can be found here.  

Product Safety Testing

Product Safety testing is another key regulatory compliance area that must be considered in the design of your product. In the United States product safety for the workplace is administrated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). In accordance with OSHA Safety Standards, any product used in the workplace must be approved by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). This is needed to ensure that products can be used safely in the workplace.

The NRTL approval applies to those products that are used in the workplace that are subject to OSHA’s jurisdiction. This includes many private employers in the USA. This also includes most Federal Government places of employment.

More information about the NRTL program can be found here

Global Common Harmonized Product Safety Standards

Most countries around the world have specified some level of product safety requirements. Many European and other countries have common harmonized product safety standards. The US and Canada are similarly harmonized. As with EMC, it’s important to test and evaluate your product to the appropriate product safety standard early in development to enhance your time to market.

European CE Mark

European CE testing is primarily EMC and Safety related, with the protection of the public and consumers being a primary concern. Harmonization with related national regulations is also a key objective to reduce regulatory barriers between European countries, and to facilitate the movement of goods between them.

To satisfy the CE Mark through CE testing, a manufacturer must cover EMC (2014/30/EU), Low Voltage (2014/35/EU), Radio Equipment (2014/53/EUDirectives where applicable. Each reference applicable harmonized standards.

More information about the CE Mark for Europe can be found here.

Other regulatory considerations include:

Contact CTS for Regulatory Compliance Testing Today

Contact us for more information regarding our regulatory compliance testing options including EMC Testing, ISED Testing, and Product Safety Testing, or request a quote for specific pricing information today. CTS is your trusted source for all types of regulatory compliance testing services.