National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)

CTS has been accredited under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Lab Code 600293-0.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) administers the NVLAP program. NVLAP is comprised of a series of laboratory accreditation programs, which are established on the basis of requests and demonstrated needs. Each laboratory accreditation program includes specific calibration and/or test standards and related methods and protocols assembled to satisfy the unique needs for accreditation in the fields of testing or calibration. NVLAP accredits public and private laboratories based on evaluation of their technical qualifications and competency to carry out specific calibration or tests.

Accreditation criteria are established in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR, Title 15 Part 285), NVLAP Procedures and General Requirements, and encompass the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and the relevant requirements of ISO 9002. Accreditation is granted following successful completion of a process, which includes submission of an application and payment of fees by the laboratory, an on-site assessment, resolution of any deficiencies identified during the on-site assessment, participation in proficiency testing, and technical evaluation. The accreditation is formalized through issuance of a Certificate of Accreditation and Scope of Accreditation and publicized by announcement in various government and private media.

NVLAP accreditation is available to commercial laboratories; manufacturers’ in-house laboratories; university laboratories; and federal, state, and local government laboratories. Laboratories located outside the United States may also be accredited if they meet the same requirements as domestic laboratories.

NVLAP provides an unbiased third-party evaluation and recognition of performance, as well as expert technical guidance to upgrade laboratory performance. NVLAP accreditation signifies that a laboratory has demonstrated that it operates in accordance with NVLAP management and technical requirements pertaining to quality systems; personnel; accommodation and environment; test and calibration items; and test and calibration reports. NVLAP accreditation does not imply any guarantee (certification) of laboratory performance or test/calibration data; it is solely a finding of laboratory competence. A laboratory may cite its accredited status and use the NVLAP logo on reports, stationery, and in business and trade publications provided that this use does not imply product certification.

Additional information regarding NVLAP may be obtained by going to and clicking on the Laboratory Accreditation program. CTS’s NVLAP scope of accreditation can be found here or by searching for ‘Salt’ from NVLAP’s Laboratory Search function.