About Compliance Test Services

Who We Are

Compliance Test Services (CTS) is an independent EMC/RF compliance testing and product certification service provider in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Our goal is to certify your products, ensuring their compliance with applicable regulatory standards and to unlock your access to world-wide markets.

Our company was founded with the vision of providing world class service in the testing and compliance space. CTS’s personnel have experience in both test laboratory and manufacturing environments – we’ve been the service provider AND the customer. We’ve experienced, first hand, the frustration of missed deadlines due to poor project management on the part of many laboratories across the United States. As a primary goal, CTS aims to maintain solid customer service, speed, continuous improvement, and accountability.

CTS is a well qualified provider of EMC/RF/DFS/mmWave compliance testing, FCC/ISED product certifications, and other globally required testing.

What We Do

We provide full compliance testing and certifications for prototype and finished electrical and electronic products.

We also help customers obtain regulatory certifications recognized both domestically and internationally. Our comprehensive services include safety testing, EMC emission and susceptibility / immunity testing, RF / wireless testing (including WiFi, Bluetooth, DFS, and 60 GHz), and telecommunications testing (including TTE).

We offer compliance testing services in our ISO 17025 accredited laboratory and product certification services.

Worldwide Testing Services

CTS provides testing services to worldwide regulatory requirements in the area of and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). Our testing services comprises commercial/industrial equipment including information technology, audio/video, medical, test & measurement, telecommunications, and controls industries.

CTS is accredited through NVLAP for compliance testing to many domestic and international standards. With facilities containing 3-meter and 10-meter semi-anechoic chambers CTS can test and certify your products and devices for essentially any market.

Technical Capabilities

CTS provides conformity assessment services that assist you in complying with regulatory requirements in the new global market. With over 40 years of experience, our lab and resources are equipped to meet your testing requirements. As technology is innovated regulations change; our knowledge and experience ensure your products are prepared to meet these changes. CTS engineers have extensive knowledge in EMC/EMI and RF testing to help meet your timeline and product development needs.

CTS has demonstrated its competence to perform regulatory compliance testing being accredited by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) (Lab Code 600293-0).

Why Choose Compliance Test Services

Because we can do what other labs can’t – deliver on-time.

You’ll also be favorably impressed with our ability to assist you when troubleshooting any failures encountered during testing. As your partner, CTS performs troubleshooting & failure analysis, investigates appropriate test standards for allowances, develops custom test plans when necessary, and tries to make the messy parts of regulatory compliance as painless as possible.

CTS is committed to utilizing good professional practices and providing the highest quality of service to its customers.